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Required Documentation
Candidate Criteria | Documents |
Required by all candidates |
Promotion Candidate Information Form Curriculum Vitae: must include Teaching Philosophy and Administrative Service |
Required by candidates for Excellence in Research |
Research Statement (included in CV) H-Index (Note in Candidate Statement) Data Summary Sheets: Research Awards; Research Supervision; Refereed Publications |
Required by candidates for Excellence in CPA |
CPA Statement (included in CV) |
Required by candidates for Sustained Excellence in Teaching | |
Optional for all candidates: |
Additional Data Tables as applicable: Research Awards, Research Supervision, Refereed Publications Data Summary Table: Mentorship Appendix (5 pages max.) |
Notes on Promotion Documents:
- All promotion documents should record information from the date of last promotion to the present (beginning January of the year last promoted), with the exception of the CV which should cover the candidate's entire career.
- Referee Lists must be submitted as an Excel file
- Request for Waiver of External Review must include the candidate’s signature.
- All other promotion documents must be submitted as PDFs.
- Files must be named according to the following convention: LastName_FirstName_DocumentName, i.e.
- Brown_George_CV
- Brown_George_SummaryTable_ResearchAwards
- Brown_George_TER
- Brown_George_CandidateStatement
- PLEASE NOTE: Documents that are not named properly, or that are not in the requested formats, will NOT be accepted.
Promotion Candidate Information Form
This form is required by all candidates. Download Form
Curriculum Vitae
It is the responsibility of the candidate to prepare her/his curriculum vitae in accordance with University Policy (Manual of Staff Policies Academic Librarian, Number 3.01.05, paragraph 16).
The Curriculum Vitae is the most important and powerful document in the promotion package. The document is reviewed by all internal and external referees, the Department of Medicine Promotions Committee and the Temerty Faculty of Medicine Decanal Promotions Committee.
While other promotion documents are expected to cover only the time period since the candidate’s last promotion or initial appointment, the submitted curriculum vitae should document the candidate’s entire academic career.
Faculty seeking promotion in the Department of Medicine should prepare their CV using WebCV. For more information, please email MedIT at
Key points to remember when preparing the CV:
- Publication contributions are very important (principal author, co-principal author, senior responsible author, collaborator/co-author).
- ‘Published’ or ‘In Press’ items should be listed separately from ‘submitted’. Do not include papers/work “in preparation.”
- Peer reviewed and non peer reviewed items should be separate.
- Manuscripts, abstracts, books/book chapters should be separate.
- When listing publications, include the PubMedID next to each publication.
Candidate's role on publications and research grants:
- Senior Responsible Author (SRA) – initiates the direction of investigation, establishes the laboratory or setting in which the project is conducted, obtains any required funding for the study, plays a major role in the data analysis and preparation of the manuscript, and assumes overall responsibility for publication of the manuscript in its final form.
- Principal Author (PA) – carries out the actual research and undertakes the data analysis and preparation of the manuscript. (The principal author may also be the senior responsible author.)
- Co-Principal Author (CO-PA) – has a role in experimental design, an active role in carrying out the research, and is involved in data analysis and preparation of the manuscript. The project would be compromised seriously without the co-principal author.
- Co-Investigator (CO-I) – contributes to the research activities and participates in the publications.
- Collaborator (COLL) or Co-Author (CA) – generally does not have a major conceptual role in the study or the publication, though this is not always the case. The candidate's role should be explicitly stated.
Please refer to the Manual for Academic Promotion for additional detail on preparing your CV.
Candidate’s Statement
Sample Statements:
Candidate Statement & Teaching Philosophy
Candidate Statement (CPA, Research, Teaching)
Candidate Statement (Research, Teaching, Admin)
The candidate's statement is intended to allow the candidate to “speak” to the promotions committees concerning his/her achievements and impact on the discipline. The candidate is encouraged to provide a brief summary of career history, key accomplishments and the impact of these accomplishments with a focus on achievements since the year of last promotion. The Candidate's Statement should be no longer than three pages.
For each of the areas for which you are seeking promotion (research, CPA, or Sustained Excellence in Teaching), the statement should address three main points:
- What is the focus of your scholarly work and why is this focus important? Be succinct, use simple language. Don’t assume the reviewers know.
- What have you accomplished since your last promotion?
- What tangible impact has your work had? Provide clear evidence, e.g. discovery led to shift in field, new treatment now in trials, new model of care implemented worldwide.
For researchers, please include your cumulative H-Index in your candidate statement before discussing the impact of your work. See the last page of the Manual for Academic Promotion for instructions on how to calculate your H-Index.
If relevant, please discuss any blips in productivity, and/or teaching quality or quantity, e.g. illness, family stresses, pregnancy/childbirth/adoption, injuries.
The candidate's statement may have titled sections on the following, though it is not mandatory:
- Academic career history
- Career progress since last promotion
- Research (if applicable)
- CPA (if applicable)
- Teaching/Education
- Administrative activities
In the CV, Under Section C. 'Academic Profile,' as appropriate please provide the following (max. one page each – ideally half page). Note the Teaching Philosophy is required by all candidates.
- Research Statement – a summary of the overarching focus of your research and its impact
- Creative Professional Activity Statement – a summary of the focus of your CPA and its impact
- Teaching Philosophy – a summary of your approach to teaching (required by all faculty seeking promotion)
The Research and CPA Statements in the CV should be an abbreviated version of the appropriate sections of the Candidate Statement. Redundancy is ok – candidates may copy-paste directly and edit as needed.
Most Significant Publications
A separate document is required listing a maximum of five most significant publications since last promotion (or initial appointment). Provide a brief narrative describing the reasons for these selections and how these papers have had an impact on the discipline. Please include a link to the publication in the document - a copy of the publication is not needed unless it is not available online.
Candidates going forward on Excellence in Research must include their cumulative H-Index in the candidate statement. This should reflect their entire career, and the source should be noted. Please see the Manual for Academic Promotion, for instructions.
CV Data Summary Tables
The CV data summary tables are required and can be generated from WebCV. Please note that once generated, any data prior to last promotion must be removed from the table.
There are five:
- Research awards Download Template
- Research supervision Download Template
- Refereed publications Download Template
- Teaching Download Template
- Mentorship (optional) Download Template
CPA Dossier
All CPA candidates are required to submit a CPA Dossier, which should consist of:
Cover page (CPA Dossier by NAME and DATE)
Introduction to CPA – who you are (training/expertise), what you do (clinically and CPA foci) & how you came to work in this area, including the relevance of your CPA to health of Canadians etc. (TELL YOUR STORY) – introduce your CPA themes (ideally, no more than 3 themes)
For each CPA Theme:
- Brief outline of the CPA: what is it that you have done (please include which category of CPA* this activity represents) and what was YOUR ROLE in each activity (focus ONLY on activities that would not/could not have happened without YOU)
- Importance of the achievements in this CPA theme (impact)
- Supporting documentation to support your role and impact of the work: cut and paste from your CV, provide links, consider colleague letters of ref from leaders of national/international societies, etc.
- Related Publications
- Related National and International Presentations
- Related National and International Invitations – give rounds, serve on a national or international task force, consult, etc.
- Related grants (peer-reviewed, non peer-reviewed, including AFP innovation grants, etc.)
- Guidelines & Reports (e.g. White Paper; Policy documents)
- Other forms of dissemination/uptake – e.g., detailed descriptions of techniques or devices (include photos/videos as appropriate), outlines of programs, etc.
- Related honours & awards
- Colleague letters (if necessary)
Ensure CPA Checklist is complete (see Manual)
*CPA categories: professional innovation; development of professional practice; and exemplary professional practice
Sample CPA Dossiers:
Teaching and Education Report
This can be generated from WebCV.
Teaching Evaluation Scores
Each candidate's promotion documents should include teaching evaluations collected since their last promotion.
Candidates must pull their own teaching evaluation scores from MedSIS (undergraduate) and POWER (postgraduate), which should be reviewed carefully as any negative evaluations should be addressed.
Candidates must re-submit all TES data (POWER and MedSIS) in a single PDF as part of their final promotion documents.
If the majority of the candidate's teaching is not captured by the POWER and MedSIS data (e.g. from CME activities), candidates may include additional evaluations in their TES document. Please contact the Promotions Administrator if you have questions or concerns about your TES documentation.
For further information regarding Teaching Evaluation Scores, including how to access them and the process to appeal a negative evaluation, see Teaching Evaluation Scores.
Summary of Teaching Activities
Download Template: Summary of Teaching Activities
At the request of the Department of Medicine Teaching Effectiveness Committee, each candidate is asked to submit a short summary of their general teaching activities in paragraph form. Please use the template for reference.
Administrative Service
The candidate should provide documentation of professional administrative service activities in WebCV under Section 4.0. These activities may also be linked to the sections for research, CPA, and teaching/education. A detailed description of each administrative activity should be provided, including the candidate’s specific role and the impact of the work on academic, professional, government or other communities.
The candidate may include up to five (5) pages of additional documentation if he/she feels the information is necessary to justify promotion. Please limit your Appendix to five pages, extra pages will be discarded. If the Promotions Committee feels additional documentation is required following their review, specific documents will be requested at that time.
Colleague Letters
If there is a specific aspect of a candidate's impact not demonstrated by the CV, the candidate may solicit a Colleague Letter. Colleague Letters are solicited and collected by the candidate from individuals with whom they work closely, in order to clarify a specific area of impact.
They are only necessary on rare occasions, and candidates are generally discouraged from including them until requested by the Promotions Committee.
Examples of Colleague Letters include:
- letters recognizing work with external organizations (ie, addressing the dissemination of your work at another site)
- letter from a close collaborator or mentor specifying individual contributions within a research partnership
In the event that you do require a Colleague Letter, please collect it yourself and submit with your Promotion Documents - do not ask your colleagues to send them directly to the DoM. This ensures you have a chance to review the letter prior to submitting.
Referee Lists
- Please submit all Referee Lists as a Excel document.
- Please spell check ALL referee names.
- NEW: All candidates must submit a completed Letters of Reference Checklist (see below).
See Letters of Reference for more information.
Download Form: Internal Referee List
Download Form: External Referee List
Download Form: Student Letter List
Download Form: Letters of Reference Checklist
Waiver of External Referees
Download Template Request for Waiver of External Review
A 'Waiver of External Review' is only applicable to clinical (MD) and status only faculty members who are being considered for promotion to associate or full professor solely on the basis of sustained excellence in teaching. It is highly recommended that candidates going forward on this criteria waive external review.
A 'Waiver of External Review' recognizes the fact that faculty members that spend a large portion of their time in clinical work and teaching may not be known nationally or internationally.
Address the letter of request to:
The Dean, c/o Dr. Moira Kapral, Chair of Medicine.