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Core Internal Medicine Accreditation
In May 2021, the Department of Medicine received the Preliminary Accreditation Outcome for the Internal Medicine Training Program from the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada (RCPSC). In this report, the Royal College Accreditation Committee (AC) informed the department of their decision to confer status of “accredited Program on Notice of Intent to Withdraw Accreditation.”
The review report highlighted numerous strengths of the program, but also identified the following areas for improvement:
- There is an ongoing issue with resident supervision in the clinical environment, and perceived lack of support, particularly of junior learners on subspecialty services and on the Clinical Teaching Units, CTUs, during weekends. This is felt by the residents to be impacting patient safety.
- Residents are afraid to raise substantial questions or issues with the program, for fear of repercussions, both within their training program and related to future employment in Toronto. This perception arises from observation of the treatment of residents who have spoken out.
We have made and continue to make great strides to address these issues. We are a department of immense vision, unmatched potential, and tremendous resources, the greatest of which are the people with whom we work and whom we serve. Together we have and will continue to develop solutions and affect real change.
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