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Medical Humanities Education Matching Funding Grants
Post MD Education welcomes semi-annual submission of proposals requesting matching funding in support of proposed projects enhancing integration, application, and/or education within the scholarship of medical humanities and humanism in postgraduate medical education.
Funded projects are intended to align with both the best practices in medical humanities and the specific residency programs’ educational priorities.
Grants are designed to encourage engagement in the medical humanities to further enhance humanism, compassionate care, and clinical competencies and deliverables are closely aligned with the ongoing priorities of postgraduate medical education and CanMEDS roles.
Medical humanities have the potential to enhance several CanMEDS roles and competencies, including observation skills, empathy and perspective taking, tolerance of ambiguity, develop self-reflection, communication skills, enhance cultural competencies, and build wellness capacity (Shapiro & Rucker, 2003; McCullough, 2012, Watson, 2011; Silk & Shields, 2012; Zazulak, Booth, Price & Podedworny, 2013; Bleakley, 2015).
Post MD Education welcomes proposals reflecting a variety of curricular designs and project proposals identifying how medical humanities will be integrated into curricula and further enhance CanMEDS roles within specific or interdisciplinary residency training.
About the Proposals
- Will be accepted semi-annually in May and October
- Applications will use the forms provided and include:
- A brief summary of the project (including number and length of sessions).
- Identify objectives and intended value of the project as it relates to medical humanities.
- Identify how the project is related to and addresses residency program(s) priorities and CanMEDS roles and/or competencies.
- Identify how the goals of the project will be achieved through medical humanities.
- Identify the expertise of the facilitator(s) responsible for facilitating the project.
- Describe the methodology used to evaluate the program offered.
- Provide a budget for the project with explanation of costs and demonstrating the match funding from the residency program involved.
- Agreement to provide a project summary at the end of the 12-month period.
- Signature of project lead and program director, with a copy to the Department Business Manager.
About the Funding
- Will be provided for one year period.
- Successful applicants will be provided funding a maximum of $5,000 per project from the PGME office.
- Applications must include a letter of support from the co-funder (e.g. Departmental Chair, Hospital Chief).
Submissions or Questions
Arlene McKinley, 416-946-5471 or
Medical Humanities Education Matching Funding Grants
Grant Application
Application Deadlines:
- March 29, 2018
- October 15, 2018
- Funding will be provided for a one-year period and awarded semi-annually in May and November.
- Successful applicants will be provided funding a maximum of up to $5,000 per project from the PGME office. Applications must include a letter of support from the co-funder (e.g. Departmental Chair, Hospital Chief)
- All successful grant recipients are required to submit a final report evaluating the project and identifying how objectives were met and their impact.
- If your proposed project is selected for funding, ethics approval (if applicable) must be secured prior to funding being released.
- Arlene McKinley, 416-946-5471 or
Application Template to Include:
Cover Letter of support from co-funder
- Name of Project Lead:
- Program/Division within Postgrad MD of Project Lead:
- Primary Contact Information:
- Co-Applicant Name(s) and Program Affiliation(s) (if applicable):
- Collaboration Information:
- Name(s) & Affiliations
- Project Title:
- Project Summary/Abstract: (250 word limit)
- Include:
- What challenges/problems does the project aim to address?
- How does the proposed project address specific residency priorities and CanMEDS roles and/or competencies?
- How do the goals of this project demonstrate an application of medical humanities?
- Project Background: (250 word limit)
- Include:
- What, if known, scholarship exists on the proposed project and/or methodology?
- Medical Humanities Expertise: (250 word limit)
- Include:
- What is the background and expertise of the facilitator(s) responsible for facilitating the project?
- Methodology & Evaluation: (250 word limit)
- Include:
- Describe the project implementation including activities and timelines.
- Describe the methodology that will be used to evaluate the success and impact of the proposed project.
- Project Start Date (Approximate if Firm Date is Unknown):
- Project End Date (Approximate if Firm Date is Unknown):
- Anticipated Results and CANMEDS Roles/Competencies: (250 word limit)
- Include:
- What will participants take away from engaging with the project?
- What CanMEDS roles and/or competencies will be addressed through this project?
- Knowledge Transfer (If Applicable): (250 word limit)
- Include:
- How will the results of this project be disseminated?
- Requested Amount:
- Up to $5,000
- Project Budget with Narrative Explanation:
- Include
- Details about match funding for the residency program required (e.g. letter of support regarding match funding).