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List of Awards
Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Awards:
Each year, the Division of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (PM&R) seeks nominations from the division for awards to be presented to members of the PM&R faculty who have provided exceptional service to the division. Nominations are open to both full-time and part-time faculty. All members of the Division of PM&R are eligible for a maximum of one award in each category within a five year period.
Perry Tepperman presented his significant work in the 2016 Awards and Recognition Committee, and gave out awards that include:
Innovator of the Year Award
The INNOVATOR OF THE YEAR AWARD is presented to an individual staff member for a remarkable professional achievement. This achievement may be related to research, education, creative professional activities, or any other major activity that promotes and enhances the profile of the Division of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at the University of Toronto.
2017 Dr. Andrea Furlan
2016 Dr. Larry Robinson
Academic Achievement Award
The ACHIEVEMENT AWARD is presented to an individual staff member who has offered, over several years, exceptional service towards the development and growth of the division (e.g. organization of teaching programs, creation of specialized clinical programs or services, mentorship, etc.)
2017 Dr. Heather MacNeill
2016 Dr. Alexander Lo
Distinguished Academic Service Awards (20+ Years of Service)
John Patcai
Abe Snaiderman
Dr. Doreen Campbell
Dr. Charles Godfrey
Dr. Tal Gyenes
Dr. Colleen McGillivray
Dr. Alborz Oshidari
Dr. Denyse Richardson
Dr. Michael Sarin
We had three recipients, two junior and one senior resident, receiving the University of Toronto, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Resident Awards. They were presented by Dr. Lisa Becker as follows:
Resident Research Synthesis Award
2016 Dr. Elysia Adams
2015 Dr. McKyla McIntyre
Resident Research Methodology Award
2016 Dr. Pinder Sahota, Dr. Alexandra Rendely
2015 Dr. Jordan Silverman
Senior Resident Research Award
2016 Dr. Peter Broadhurst
2015 Dr. Shane Journeay
Most Popular Physiatry Elective
2014/2015 Dr. Rajni Nijhawan
Best Contribution to the Quality of the PM&R residency program (resident education and learning)
2014/2015 Dr. Emily Tam
Archived Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Awards:
Longstanding University-based Academic Contribution Award
In recognition of your valued academic contributions for over 20 years in the Division of Physiatry at the University of Toronto.
There are six recipients:
Dr. Rajic Soric
Dr. Michael Devlin
Dr. Nimmi Bharatwal
Dr. Veronica Kekosz
Dr. David Berbrayer
Dr. Angela Mailis-Gagnon
Longstanding Community-based Academic Contribution Award
In recognition of your valued academic contributions for over 20 years in the Division of Physiatry at the University of Toronto.
There are five recipients:
Dr. Perry Tepperman
Dr. Raphael Chow
Dr. Gordon Ko
Dr. Satyendra Sharma
Dr. Perry Rush
Longstanding Academic Contribution and Collaboration from an External Partner Award
In recognition of your continued scholarly and collaborative academic contributions in the Division of Physiatry at the University of Toronto.
Dr. Anne Agur
Both awards are presented annually, provided an eligible recipient is identified.
Achievement Award
2013 Dr. Cathy Craven
2011 Dr. Lisa Becker
2010 Dr. Nora Cullen
2010 Dr. Denyse Richardson
2009 Dr. Gaetan Tardif
2008 Dr. David Berbrayer
2007 Dr. John Flannery
2006 Dr. Colleen McGillivray
2005 Dr. Angela Mailis-Gagnon
2004 Dr. Nora Cullen
2003 Dr. Denyse Richardson
Innovator of the Year Award
2013 Dr. Andrea Furlan
2010 Dr. Cathy Craven
2005 Dr. Denyse Richardson
Other Division Awards:
Best contribution to the quality of the Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Award:
The residents are asked to choose a staff physiatrist who provided new exciting programming, mentoring, administrative support or anything that makes the program successful.
2013 Dr. Alexander Lo
2012 Dr. Harpreet Sangha
2011 Dr. Steven Dilkas
2010 Dr. Robert Brock
2009 Dr. Douglas Biggar
2008 Dr. Colleen McGillivray
2007 Dr. Denyse Richardson
2006 Dr. Rajka Soric
2005 Dr. Chris Boulias and Dr. Farooq Ismail
2004 Dr. Mark Bayley
2003 Dr. John Flannery
2002 Dr. Rajka Soric
2001 Dr. Alborz Oshidari
2000 Dr. Denyse Richardson
2013 Longstanding University-Based Academic Contribution Award
Dr. Rajic Soric
Dr. Michael Devlin
Dr. Nimmi Bharatwal
Dr. Veronica Kekosz
Dr. David Berbrayer
Dr. Angela Mailis-Gagnon
2013 Longstanding Community-Based Academic Contribution Award
Dr. Perry Tepperman
Dr. Raphael Chow
Dr. Gordon Ko
Dr. Satyendra Sharma
Dr. Perry Rush
2013 Longstanding Academic Contribution and Collaboration from an External Partner Award
Dr. Anne Agur
2013 Longstanding Academic Leadership Award
Dr. Gaétan Tardif
Resident Research Awards
2014 Senior Dr. Alan Tam, Junior Dr. Lilian Vivas
2013 Senior Dr. Derry Dance , Junior Dr. Pamela Joseph
2012 Senior Dr. Catherine Ho, Junior Dr. Najam Mian
2011 Senior Dr. Amanda Mayo, Junior Dr. Sivakumar Gulasingam, Junior Dr. Alice Kam
2010 Senior Dr. Nadira Rambihar, Junior Dr. Chris Fortin
2009 Senior Dr. Alex Lo, Junior Dr. Robert McMaster
2008 Senior Dr. Deborah Rabinovitch, Junior Dr. Nadira Rambihar
2007 Senior Dr. Sukhi Bhangu, Junior Dr. Alex Lo
2006 Senior Dr. Melanie DeHaan, Junior Dr. Deborah Rabinovitch
2005 Senior Dr. Sonja McVeigh, Junior Dr. Steve Dilkas
2004/05 Senior Dr. Heather MacNeill, Junior Dr. Paul Winston
2004 Dr. Sonja McVeigh
2003 Dr. Albert Cheng