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Emergency Medicine - Visiting Professor Day w/ Dr. Damon Dagnone
Sawan Tate
Visiting Professor Day
Competency-Based Medical Education (CBME)
In addition to his role with CBME, Dr. Dagnone is an associate professor in the Department of Emergency Medicine at Queen’s University, where he is immersed in numerous simulation-based teaching activities and is the national co-chair of the Simulation Olympiad at CAEP. His research interests are principally related to simulation-based assessment and the implementation of competency-based medical education within postgraduate specialty training programs.
We ask all of our staff and residents to please join us for what will surely be an informative and entertaining day!
Visiting Professor Day will be available via webcast and will be archived for faculty unable to attend.
Tweet your questions during grand rounds and the panel discussion #UTVPD
Click here to enter the webcast
(Please note the changes from our usual academic day)
Location: Mount Sinai Hospital, 18th Floor Auditorium, 600 University Ave. *unless noted
0830-9:45 Group B Rounds (Residents only)
"Competency-Based Assessment in Emergency Medicine"
Speaker: Dr. Dagnone
- Review the building blocks of competency based assessment principles
- Outline a systematic approach to the implementation and scholarship of simulation-based assessment methodology at Queen's University
- Explore next steps for competency based assessment ideas for the U of T program
10:00-11:00 Grand Rounds
"CBME - A Call to Action for Postgraduate Medical Education across Canada”
Speaker: Dr. Dagnone
- Review the rationale for transformative change to CBME across Canadian specialty programs
- Provide an overview of the major education system changes
- Outline the strategic institutional approach being taken at Queen's University
11-11:30 Panel Discussion
"An Open Discussion on How to Operationalize the Implementation of CBME at Your Centre”
- Dr. J. Damon Dagnone
- Dr. Scott Berry (Director, Medical Oncology Residency Program)*
- Dr. Susan Glover Takahashi (PGME)**
- Facilitate an open discussion of CBME implementation at U of T for the EM program
11:30-12:00 Catered Lunch
- Recharge and refresh!
12:00-2:00 Journal Club
Resident presenters: Cristian Toarta and Liam Frape
Expert: Dr. Dagnone
- To review and critically appraise two articles on CBME assessment tools and emerging concepts
- Competency-based medical education: theory to practice. J.R. Frank et al. Med Teach. 2010;32(8):638-45
The Ottawa Surgical Competency Operating Room Evaluation (O-SCORE): a tool to assess surgical competence.Gofton WT, Dudek NL, Wood TJ, Balaa F, Hamstra SJ. Acad Med. 2012 Oct;87(10):1401-7.
2:00-4:00 Wine and Cheese Social Event* (RSVP Required)
Location: Duke of Somerset, 655 Bay St.
- Wind down with some wine and cheese!
*Dr. Scott Berry is a medical oncologist at Sunnybrook Odette Cancer Centre and an associate professor in the Department of Medicine. He loves teaching and has won several teaching awards: the Division of Medical Oncology Education Award; and the 2016 Faculty of Medicine Award for Excellence in Postgraduate Medical Education in the category of Teaching Performance, Mentorship and Advocacy. He is the program director for the Medical Oncology Training Program and a past chair of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada Specialty Committee for Medical Oncology.
**Dr. Glover Takahashi has both a master's and a doctorate degree in Education – with a focus on curriculum planning and performance assessment.
She is the Director of Education, Innovation & Research in the Postgraduate Medical Education office at the University of Toronto, providing support and oversight to curriculum development and program accreditation for almost 80 residency programs.
Dr. Glover Takahashi is the lead for the implementation of Competence By Design at the University of Toronto and was recently appointed the Integrated Senior Scholar for the Centre for Faculty Development and PostMD Education at the University of Toronto.
She is an assistant professor in the Department of Family and Community Medicine and is also cross-appointed as an assistant professor in the Dalla Lana School of Public Health and the School of Graduate Studies.
Her areas of research and practice include studying performance and competence in health and medical professionals; designing curriculum programs and systems to support competence; competency assessment, online learning and program evaluation.
Dr. Glover Takahashi is co-author to the 2012 Royal College book called, The CanMEDS Toolkit for Teaching and Assessing the Collaborator Role, she authored the remediation chapter in the 2013 resource called, The Royal College Program Directors Handbook and was the Senior Scientific Editor for the CanMEDS 2015 Tools Guide.