Jan 15, 2018

Emergency Medicine: Ultrasound Awards

Emergency Medicine

This year, we created 2 new University of Toronto emergency ultrasound awards.

The first award is for the Ultrasound Teacher of the Year. This was voted on by all trainees who completed an ultrasound rotation this past year. We are pleased to announce that the winner for teacher of the year is Dr. Michael Romano. Here is some of the feedback received about Dr. Romano’s ultrasound teaching:

·        “Highlight of the U/S rotation was scanning with this staff, incredibly approachable, knowledgable and professional.”

·        “Great teacher. Dr. Romano took the time to answer all of our questions and outlined clear learning goals every time we worked together. Excellent.”

·        “Great teacher. Thanks for allowing us to scan you as an example.”

The second award is for Ultrasound Case of the Year. We asked for submissions and received many outstanding cases. The winning case was selected by the emergency ultrasound committee. We are pleased to announce the winner for best case is Dr. Puneet Kapur. Dr. Kapur completed his ultrasound fellowship at Sunnybrook in 2016-17. He submitted a case of a patient presenting with a COPD exacerbation, but was found to have signs of an acute pulmonary embolus on ultrasound. Due to a contrast allergy, the patient was treated empirically, and the diagnosis was confirmed the following day.

Congratulations to our award recipients! Please consider sending your best cases to us for consideration for the 2018 award! Please email Rob Simard – rsimard82@gmail.com


Rob Simard

Jordan Chenkin

Tina Bhandari