“There is a crack in everything, that’s how the light gets in.” Leonard Cohen (1934-2016)
I like to sit in the back of classrooms and auditoriums. I have been that way since first grade. It gives me the vantage point of viewing the entire room. That’s where I was during Visiting Professor Day (VPD). From there, I got a sense of the mood of the room as the audience reacted to the speaker’s talk on Competence by Design (CBD). I heard about the audience’s concerns about the changes ahead. Also, about the possibilities and opportunities.
I’d like to introduce you to our CBD Subcommittee, a faculty and resident committee that will be leading the design and implementation of CBD in our program (in alphabetical order): Dr. Niran Agrinatru (PGY-3), Dr. Jennifer Bryan, Dr. Melissa Chacko, Dr. Timothy Dalseg, Dr. Justin Hall (PGY-2), Dr. Taryn Lloyd (PGY-2), Melissa McGowan, Dr. Robert Simard, Dr. Alex Stefan, Dr. Walter Tavares (PhD), Dr. Alanna Wong (PGY-1). In the next couple of months we will feature the subcommittee’s reflections on CBD and the road ahead, starting with Niran, Jennifer and Melissa C. Please scroll down to read their comments!
In the months ahead, the team will be busy designing the curricular and assessment changes to align our program to CBD. Please feel free to approach them with questions and feedback.