On behalf of the ALiEM team, we would like to invite you to share information about a novel and interesting online faculty development experience with your junior faculty members: The ALiEM Faculty Incubator.
We have been hard at work at ALiEM looking to connect educators not just nationally within the USA, but also internationally. EM medical education knows no bounds, and we are looking to see if you have any junior faculty members that you think might benefit from our program.
The Faculty Incubator program is a year-long experience. In reality, it is 10 months total, with designed breaks to encourage clinical work-academic worklife balance. It is designed to develop junior faculty members with high potential for scholarly success (e.g. a budding medical education curriculum designer, a
education researcher, a future leader in EM education).
The goal is to connect them with an instant network of 29 other junior faculty members, 8 junior mentors from last year’s group, and 10 senior mentors from across North America, all targeting to help them grow as educators, scholars, and leaders. The total cost of the online program is $1,500 USD, which includes a year-long curriculum and directed mentorship.
The intent is to facilitate an online community of practice that allows for fluid exchange of ideas, and cross-pollination in a way that has not been technically possible before. Also, we know that medical education mentorship at the level that our program can offer (i.e. with multiple journal decision editors and notable national leaders) is not something that all sites have locally, and we feel that this is a tangible way to build a junior faculty member’s academic network so that they can become more productive and gain international exposure!
We have quite a few Canadian mentors within our program (Jonathan Sherbino, Brent Thoma, Teresa Chan), but last year we did not have any Canadian applicants. This year, we are encouraging more Canadian applicants. We would love to include a budding educator-scholar at your local institution! There is, however, an application process (we can only accept 30 people). Judging by the contributions of Canada to EM education, we know that your candidates will likely be highly competitive and would definitely bring an increased depth to our program.
We have recently written a blog post here: https://www.aliem.com/2017/faculty-incubator-6-reasons-excited/ The full program description and application link are found at this site:
Thank you for sharing this opportunity for potentially interested applicants! We hope some of your local talent will consider joining us for this incredible experience. On the following pages you will find quotes from recent participants and a list of the outputs from our faculty incubator participants to date (and the program doesn’t even end until February 28, 2017!)