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Dr. Muneeb Ahmed's CaRMS Match Story
In celebration of the Canadian Resident Matching Service's (CaRMS) 2024 R-1 Main Residency Match Day on March 19, we asked some of our current Postgraduate Year Ones (PGY1s) about their Match Day experience.
Here's what Dr. Muneeb Ahmed, a PGY1 in our General Internal Medicine program, had to say about why he chose U of T:
Why did you want to train at U of T?
Choosing U of T for Internal Medicine training was deeply rooted in the richness of its patient population and clinical experiences. I think Toronto's diverse demographic tapestry spanning various ethnicities and socioeconomic backgrounds offered a really unparalleled experience. I was drawn to the prospect of encountering a wide spectrum of medical presentations from common chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) exacerbations and heart failure exacerbations to very exceedingly rare conditions that really only Toronto has the opportunity to see. The opportunity to interact with patients from all walks of life not only aids clinical acumen, but also builds cultural competency and empathy, and I think these are both very crucial attributes for any physician. I think U of T’s affiliation with renowned healthcare institutions is very unique and there's nowhere else in the country where you can find something like that. The chance to collaborate with specialists in these settings really allows for exposure to cutting edge treatment and complex care management, which enhances my educational journey and helps to shape me and every other resident who goes through the program into a well-rounded internist.
How did you feel when you found out you had matched to your residency program?
It was like an indescribable blend of happiness and mostly gratitude, I would say. I think immediately after receiving the news, I reached out to express my thanks and my deep gratitude to those who had played a role in my journey. Their support had been the backbone to the ups and downs of the residency application process and I definitely couldn't have made it without them – this includes my classmates who I went through clerkship and the entirety of the COVID-19 pandemic with to my seasoned mentors, who helped me prepare for CaRMS. I was also especially grateful to my family who supports me unconditionally, and I knew that as I entered residency, I would carry their encouragement with me every step of the way. I'm very excited to continue my journey with all of these people by my side.