This is an important and exciting time for the Internal Medicine training program. The Internal Medicine CBD roll-out starts August 1st, with the piloting of the first Entrustable Professional Activity (EPA): History, Physical and Documentation for the PGY-1s in “Transition to Discipline” (TTD). (The TTD is the first four blocks of the PGY-1 year).
1.) If you will be supervising a PGY-1 in Block 2 (August 1-28), you should have received information from your division’s colleague who is the local site coordinator for your rotation. Please contact them or me if you haven’t.
2.) How to access the tool: You should have received two emails from PGME/Medsquares in order to complete registration:
Set up your password (your username is your UTorID, which they provide in the email, along with a temporary password) on
ii. Then access the tools at
If you didn’t get the emails, or if you are having any difficulties, please contact
IF YOU HAVEN'T REGISTERED: you can still evaluate a resident, if they log onto the system and put your name as “Other assessor”
3.) This is a pilot, so we want feedback from you as to how it goes.
4.) Faculty development resources are on the Department of Medicine website
These include:
User Guide for EPA TTD1 (one sheet)
Sample completed EPA TTD1
General handout on CBD, (2 sheets)
Handout on Giving Feedback (1 sheet)
Video on EPAs 101 (3 minutes)
5.) Further information is available on Monday, July 31, from 5-7 PM there will be a CBD Open House at the Department of Medicine, 3rd Floor R. Fraser Elliott Building at TGH. Please feel to drop in to see the tools in use and have your questions answered!
There is also a Go-to-Meeting option available to call in, as follows:
Please join the meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone:
You can also dial in using your phone.
Canada (Toll Free): 1 888 455 1389
Canada: +1 (647) 497-9350
Access Code: 584-197-221
6.) More information will follow for future blocks as we roll this out across the years.